COVID-19 Response

To our Baby Steps Academy Family,
The COVID-19 pandemic created a disruption in our lives, unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Several Academies closed due to government mandates, someone contracting the virus or simply out of caution. However, many of our Academies remain open or are in the process of reopening as restrictions are lifted.
My Baby Steps Academy places the utmost priority on the health and safety of the children in our care, our team members, and the families we serve.
That’s why a key part of our overall COVID-19 response has been the implementation of Health Essentials, a set of standard operating procedures that can help mitigate the spread of potential infection throughout our Academies. Health Essentials expands upon existing disinfection and health protocols that offer parents and staff peace of mind and demonstrates our commitment to creating a healthy and safe environment for learning and working.
Please be assured that we are continuing to monitor this health issue closely and have preventative measures in place to keep our Academy children and teachers safe. These preventative measures include:

- Continuing to implement our handwashing procedures frequently throughout the day using soap and water and scrubbing vigorously for at least 20 seconds.
- Reminding teachers and students to avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Strictly enforcing our illness policy for both students and staff.
- Separating sick students and teachers from others until they can go home.
- Rigorously implementing our three-step cleaning process (wash, rinse, disinfect) for toys and surfaces.
- Removing and sanitizing mouthed toys immediately.
- Regular laundering of soft items such as bedding, boppy pillows, dress up items, puppets, etc.
In addition, we ask that families support the healthy environment in our Academy with the following measures:
- Please be sure to wash your hands and your child’s hands when you arrive to a room for morning drop-off.
- Help protect our most vulnerable children. Only the classroom-assigned infants should be present in each infant room.
- For families with multiple children, drop off your older children first and pick them up last.
We ask that currently enrolled families please review and adhere to the Academy Sick Child Policy as stated in the Parent Essentials Handbook.